Impaired Driving
De Sa & Associates is a team of experienced DUI lawyers that will always have your back
An impaired driving charge shouldn’t be the end of the world. By immediately seeking the help of a skilled and experienced DUI lawyer, you can avoid the commonly punitive legal penalties for impaired driving. The penalties include:
- Possible jail time
- Driving license suspension,
- Possible foreign travel restrictions,
- Permanent criminal record.
- Possible jail time
Drinking after consuming alcohol in excess is illegal and dangerous. Alcohol impairs your ability to make quick and accurate driving decisions, which endangers you and others. But you aren’t necessarily guilty of an offense every time you are pulled up for ‘drunk driving’.
What to do when accused of impaired driving and if asked to take a breathalyzer test, depends on your individual case’s circumstances. There is no universal advice to give here, which is why it is important to always call a DUI lawyer and let them advise on the best action to take.
Get a Free Consultation to find out if you have a claim for your critical injury.